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15 migliori strumenti per i grafici

Come per qualsiasi linea di lavoro, gli strumenti specifici sono fondamentali per ottenere il lavoro svolto in modo efficiente ed efficace. Ma può essere difficile sapere quali programmi sono utili.

Questo elenco dei migliori strumenti di progettazione grafica mette in mostra i migliori hardware, software e altre apparecchiature vitali per i grafici.

Sono stato un graphic designer per molti anni e ho persino studiato graphic design all’università. Attualmente gestisco la mia attività freelance di successo, dove offro graphic design come servizio principale. È uno dei migliori lavori online là fuori.

Ho provato e testato la maggior parte delle apparecchiature e degli strumenti di progettazione grafica in questo elenco e sono qui per condividere con te i miei pensieri su questi prodotti – molti dei quali sono gratuiti!

Ecco i 15 migliori strumenti per i grafici.

Il miglior hardware per i grafici
Strumenti software per graphic designer
Attrezzatura indispensabile per i grafici
Ora conosci i migliori strumenti di progettazione grafica

Il miglior hardware per i grafici

Primo: i migliori strumenti di progettazione grafica relativi all’hardware. Senza questi, non sarai nemmeno in grado di eseguire il software necessario per completare i tuoi progetti in tempo.

1. Laptop – MacBook Pro

Una delle gioie di essere un libero professionista è che puoi lavorare assolutamente ovunque. Ecco perché molti nomadi digitali sono liberi professionisti. Puoi lavorare dalla tua caffetteria preferita, dalla tua casa o persino al mare in Messico!

Avere un laptop MacBook di qualche tipo è un must
Per questo motivo, devi assicurarti di avere un computer che possa tenere il passo con il tuo stile di vita e gestire tutti i programmi che eseguirai.

Con la progettazione grafica, quei programmi possono essere pesanti e possono causare miseramente molti laptop più economici.

Ho iniziato come graphic designer usando Windows oltre otto anni fa e questo è cambiato rapidamente.

Presto mi sono reso conto che i computer di Windows non mi avrebbero aiutato a fare il lavoro nel modo più efficiente possibile perché non funzionavano altrettanto bene con Adobe Creative Cloud, che uso ogni giorno.

Un MacBook Pro è uno degli strumenti di progettazione grafica vitale perché può gestire la potenza di eseguire più programmi Adobe contemporaneamente senza schiantare.

Non sono qui per dirti che devi acquistare la versione più costosa, perché non lo fai. Ho il MacBook Pro più economico del 2018 e sto ancora andando forte.

2. disco rigido esterno

Mentre l’utilizzo di strumenti come Dropbox e Google Drive sono fantastici per essere organizzati, può essere difficile continuare a lavorare come designer in programmi cloud come questi. Ecco dove arrivano dischi rigidi esterni.

Se ti prendi cura del tuo disco rigido esterno, può essere un acquisto una tantum per la vita. Personalmente uso la linea del disco rigido da Seagate e non ho avuto problemi una volta. Possono essere acquistati su Amazon per circa $ 50 USD.

Quando si acquista un disco rigido esterno, devi assolutamente acquistare una custodia a prova di shock dura per mantenerlo al sicuro. Questo è ancora più vitale se viaggerai con esso. Se il tuo disco rigido viene urtato nel modo sbagliato o cade, può fallire e perderai tutto.

Tieni presente che diversi marchi creano dischi rigidi esterni per diversi tipi di computer (ovvero Windows contro Mac), quindi assicurati di acquistare quello giusto per il tuo computer.

3. Camera mirrorless

Una delle migliori cose in cui la maggior parte dei graphic designer si diletta è la fotografia, motivo per cui è fondamentale avere una fotocamera a portata di mano.

Una fotocamera è uno dei migliori strumenti di progettazione grafica e non è necessario spendere molti soldi

Sia che tu stia progettando un poster per un prodotto e devi scattare qualche fotografia di prodotto per questo, o stai solo scattando foto del tuo lavoro per il tuo portafoglio sul tuo sito Web, una buona fotocamera è un must.

Mentre le telecamere DSLR sono fantastiche, le telecamere mirrorless sono molto più leggere, motivo per cui le preferisco. Come designer, non è necessario acquistare una delle telecamere più costose in circolazione, quindi acquistane una nel tuo budget.

Some of my favourites include the Canon EOS M50 and the Canon EOS M100. Entrambi vanno per circa $ 500 a $ 600 USD, ma puoi acquistarli in fasci su Amazon e ottenere molto di più per i tuoi soldi!

4. Apple iPad

Sarò onesto; Sono andato anni senza acquistare il mio Apple iPad e l’ho costantemente affittato dalla mia università.

After graduating, I realized it was important to own one. Indipendentemente dalle dimensioni, un iPad Apple è uno dei migliori strumenti per i grafici senza dubbio.

There are many apps for graphic designers on the iPad, ranging from Procreate for illustration to Lightroom for quick photo edits if you’re designing something editorial. 

Switching from illustrating on the computer using Adobe Illustrator toquickly sketching something in more detail on Procreate is a substantial timesaver and can do wonders for your work.

There is a wide range of sizes available for the Apple iPad, and unless you know you’ll be doing enormous illustrations for your work, you can get away with purchasing the Mini.

Just make sure that whatever you are buying is compatible with the Apple Pencil, which is vital for designers.

5. Desktop: iMac

While a laptop is vital graphic design equipment, so is a desktop computer of some sort.

Being a graphic designer can be pricy if you’re just starting in this career, but once you have all the equipment, this line of work can be lucrative — which will help you pay back your investment in these important tools.

A desktop computer – makes life easier for a graphic designer

Having a desktop computer will come in handy if you know you’ll be working from home a lot. It is also excellent for projects with lots of detail because the screen size is a lot larger than a laptop.

There are tons of different desktop computers out there, but similar to the laptop on this list, Apple products work best with Adobe creative Cloud. As a graphic designer, having equipment that works seamlessly with the software you frequently use is essential.

Apple has a wide range of different desktops, but you don’t have to get roped into purchasing the most expensive one with tons of features you won’t even bother using. 

I have the 21.5-inch iMac with Retina 4K Display, and I find that it works perfectly for what I need. Plus, it was cheaper than my laptop.

Strumenti software per graphic designer

Now that you have the hardware, it’s time to start investing in software. If you purchased the best hardware for the software you know you’ll be consistently using, then your job will become a lot easier.

6. Adobe creative Cloud

Out of all the vital tools for graphic designers on this list, Adobe creative Cloud is one that should not be overlooked. What’s a graphic designer without their software?

Adobe software is one of the most popular graphic design tools 

Within Adobe creative Cloud, there’s Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Lightroom, XD, and more, which a graphic designer needs to do any of their projects.

Unfortunately, this software is not a one-time purchase like it used to be ten years ago.

Instead, it’s a monthly or annual subscription that you have to pay for. I personally pay $50 USD per month, and my subscription has access to every possible Adobe application, including their online-only programs like Adobe Spark.

You can purchase access to just the Adobe software that you know you’ll need, but because graphic designers get thrown so many curveballs, I suggest buying the all-inclusive subscription if you can afford it.

If you’re currently a student, you can purchase access to everything for just $15 USD per month!

7. Canva

While Canva may seem like a bit of a cop-out by some graphic designers, I use it typically in my own business and I’m not ashamed.

Sometimes, clients even prefer that you create something in Canva, especially templates because they already know how to use the program.

Canva has a free version, which you could get away with using. However, the paid plan is only $12 USD per month and is worth it because you’ll also have access to Canva’s wide variety of stock photos that you can use in client projects. Learn more about the plans available with Canva here.

While Canva isn’t one of the best graphic design tools for print projects, it’s terrific for digital designs.

This includes social media graphics, online PDFs, virtual advertisements, etc. Plus, Canva automatically uses the RGB colour space, so there is no extra work needed on your end.

If you’re a designer who plans on selling templates, Canva can be vital to your business.

I’ve found that customers prefer purchasing templates for a platform they already use, and while Canva doesn’t have as many design freedoms as Adobe, many people know how to use it.

☞ SEE ALSO: 15 best tools For social media Managers

8. Google Drive

There’s no better place to store client-facing documents and projects than on Google Drive.

As mentioned when I discussed Canva, clients love using programs that they are already familiar with. Luckily, pretty much everyone uses a Google product at least once a day!

Not only is Google Drive terrific for storing projects and final files that you send to clients, but it’s also a terrific place to collect assets from your clients as a designer.

Your client most likely already knows how to upload and share something with you, so it shouldn’t even be that much work on your end.

This is one of the best graphic design tools, whether you use the free or paid version. I’ve been using it for about eight months, and I’m not even close to what’s included storage-wise in the free version, so you won’t have to upgrade for a while.

9. Dropbox

Google Drive can be terrific for sharing with clients, but I’m not too fond of it for storing my personal design backlog. 

I always like to save final files for at least one year after a project has ended just in case an issue ever arises for the client. It’s also good to keep these files so that you can create mockups for your portfolio so future clients can see what you’re capable of.

Dropbox is my preference for storing backupfiles

Dropbox can easily be downloaded onto your computer as an app, which is why I much prefer it to Google Drive. It’s essentially just like an extra folder on your computer, making it easy to upload files whenever necessary.

Dropbox also has its own word document, called a Paper Doc. You can create written documents, share notes with your team, and more using these. It’s super easy!

Similar to Google Drive, you can get away with using the free version for a long time.

10. Figma

Figma is essentially a free version of Adobe creative Cloud, yet I still find myself using it sometimes. It can be terrific for projects that you want to collaborate on because you can share a link with other designers to edit it online.

This software is perfect for projects that involve prototyping, like app or UX design. You can create actions so that a client can see exactly what were to happen if they click on something, for example.

This program helps to bring your projects to life.

A free version of Figma is available for up to three projects at a time, which I’ve found to work terrific for me and my projects whenever I need it. If you need more storage, you can switch to the $12 per month version.

Attrezzatura indispensabile per i grafici

Graphic designer equipment can be vital for comfort, physical health, and being productive while you’re working. My business wouldn’t be the same without all five of these!

11. Notebook

You may not realize it, but notebooks are one of the most vital tools for graphic designers.

While I love using my favourite apps like Goodnotes and Procreate, sometimes nothing can beat the ease and comfort of just writing on paper with a pen. This is one of the most overlooked pieces of equipment for graphic designers.

Notebooks are also extremely cheap.

You can purchase some in bulk on Amazon for as little as $10, or you can get fancy and show your personality by purchasing colourful versions too. Pay attention to back to school sales if you know you’ll be needing a notebook for your business.

12. sturdy Desk

Whether you’re a graphic designer working from a laptop or a desktop computer, you’ll need to have a desk or designated workspace. This is especially true for client meetings; it’s not professional to take one while lounging out on your couch.

Find a desk you’re comfortable working from

Desks can be purchased for really budget-friendly prices, so there is sure to be one in your budget. If you want to build your own, that’s possible too. I ended up purchasing my desk in parts from Ikea for around $100, and I use it every day. 

Desks are one of the best tools for graphic designers that are typically overlooked.

If you can’t afford a desk,

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